Magisculpt is a non-invasive body contouring device that works by stimulating involuntary muscle contractions to stimulate deep down into the muscle fibers and allow them to hypertrophy (get bigger) over time. Magisculpt uses radiofrequency (heat) in areas where fat loss is desired. RF will generate heat to burst open the fat cell membrane and the fat cells will flow through the lymphatic system and dispose through urine, bodily fluids.
Treatment areas include:
- abs
- glutes
- biceps/triceps
- calves
- inner thighs
- quadriceps
- hamstrings
It is recommended to complete a series of AT LEAST 4 TREATMENTS IN THE SAME AREA for best results. Additional cycles may be needed.
- Treatments are best spaced 7-10 days apart. Example- a series of 4 treatments is best done when you complete it every 7 days. So, total treatment duration is 4 weeks.
- This device works to stimulate muscle growth, not abrupt fat loss. If you have more than 10-15 lbs. of fat to lose it is recommended to lose the weight first, then focus on body contouring. The more fat you have, the more treatments you need and the harder it is for the applicator to penetrate into the muscle.
- This can be combined with weight loss medications for best results and is reserved when patient is near goal weight.
NO DOWNTIME! It is the "lunch time procedure" average duration is 30 minutes for one treatment. ONE treatment consists of: abdomen, glutes, biceps/triceps, hamstrings, calves, inner thighs. TWO treatments consist of: any two of the treatments mentioned above.
Main Contraindications
- Pregnancy/breastfeeding
- metal implant INCLUDING METAL IUD
- Heart disease
- Packages:
- a package is for one treatment site ONLY. You cannot split up your treatment (ex/2 treatments on abs, two treatments on glutes)
- minimum of 4 treatments per one site (abs, glutes, bis/tris,)
- Payment is due in full at first appointment.